Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Eye rolling

Jman has discovered the unique talent of rolling your eyes. Never realized quite how irritating that one could be. It is even doubly nice when you know you are being irrational and probably deserve it! I'm so excited to be able to experience this for the next 20 plus years ;)


Me, Myself and I said...

Here's an eye rolling conversation that Paul recently had with his 15 year old sister:

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?"

"Yeah" (in a matter-of-fact, so-what tone).

"Well you better go pick them up before they roll too far away and you're stuck being blind forever!"

While this may ensue more exaggerated eye rolling and heavy sighing from your child, you will be laughing inside.

Bonnie the Boss said...

Good times, good times! I have said to my son, "can you see your brain when you do that?" Isn't it great to be the mom!?

Krissi said...

I like to pretend that it is not eye rolling as in, "you are dumbest person alive." But eye rolling as to assure strong eyes and healthy eye sight. Which is probably why S doesn't wear glasses. Yup, that is me a glass is half empty kinda gal. I mean half full. half full...

Heather Bowles said...

So, I have to admit I am a eye roller. Mitch hates it and always is pocking me in the side when I roll my eyes at him.

Brewer Bunch said...

The eye rolling can push my buttons faster than anything!! I have actually been known to sent Seth to time out over eye rolling. rrrrggggg... just the thought of him eye rolling raises my blood pressure!!

Jogusboy said...

Yep, one of my Mom's biggest pet peaves is eye rolling. I'll have to tell her about the "well you better go pick them up' strategy.