Jman really wanted to be on the student council. He kept saying things like,
"When I'm on the student council I'll have to do this."
I kept trying to help him not get too excited because several kids wanted to do it and I didn't want him to be disappointed.
To be picked he had to answer several questions about why he would be a good rep for his class. Then all the 5th grade teachers voted on who's answers they thought were the best. Jman was chosen for the first half of the year. I'm so proud of him! I know he will do a great job. His first meeting is tomorrow morning at 7:45 and he is soooo excited!
I know, my blog doesn't ping, feed or allow followers. :( I wish people could follow it, but, I set it up that way on purpose. You could add it to a link list on your sidebar, if you wanted.
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