Monday, September 22, 2008

Oh the joys...

This afternoon I was pleasantly sitting at my computer when I heard, "Jman, you've got to come see this!" Not a good sign. I went to the voice and found my entire bathroom flooded with water, running down the hall and more coming out of the toilet by the second. I wanted to just turn around and hide. Why do I have to be the grown up?

Jman fessed up that he had probably used more t-paper than he should have, and thankfully was willing to help clean up the mess. Gross, gross, gross!!!


Brewer Bunch said...

hahaha...Really, I'm not laughing AT you... I'm laughing WITH you :). I love the "why do I have to be the grown up?" line - that summs up my sentiments exactly when things go crazy here!
... I also laugh with vivid memories of our own toilet experience... brought on not by toilet paper, but by a banana... yep - I love this whole grown up world!!
I hope things dry out soon around there!!

Bonnie the Boss said...

I am so sorry that happened!!! It is really bad when they flod it and it starts to drip into the room elow. Yuck!!!!

Krissi said...

So far the cravings are just as bad. The lifeguards at work think it is funny so they all drink soda in front of me and laugh at me. :( Grrrr! I say down with the people who say we shouldn't drink soda.