Boo has been looking forward to going to the dentist since we left the last time. I get asked several times a month when we are going to the dentist next. She loves it! She asks so often that I've often threatened that she won't be able to go next time if she doesn't quit asking. I've decided they just do their jobs too well. They have to start being mean or something.
Anyway, when we got home from the dentist with their fun little bag of goodies I was changing laundry and picking up when Boo came to me with bright blue hands. I just rolled my eyes and asked what it was this time. Imagine my joy when I found toothpaste all over her...

all over the counter and sink, (you can't see all of it from this picture)

all over the floor,

all over Roo,

(side bar, nice scar to the fore head huh? She fell down a stair at the church and landed on her head.)

on the wall, and later I found it all over my sheets as well. I love my daughter, I love my daughter.
Just keep reminding yourself that!
Poor baby, on her cute forehead.
In addition to the walls floors ect...You don't want to know where my son put his...Let's just say that a girl couldn't do it as well as a boy...Oh the Joys of having children!
On a side note, Toothpaste works wonders on getting black marks, crayon, pencil and pen off your walls. Not so well with permanent marker though.
You can't turn your back on that girl for a moment. She is so dang cute.
Funny, I just bought a new tube and was welcomed by a new blue counter in the kids bathroom. I was in a rush this morning and asked Jack (4yo) to brush his own teeth today - I guess he thought I said to brush the counter. Yes, we love our kids, we love our kids!
Finding it on the sheets would have been my complete undoing!! It's a good thing kids are so dang cute!!
Are you okay? Haven't seen a blog for 6 weeks. Your family reunion photos up the canyon looked fun that your Dad sent us.
Love, Uncle Walt & Aunt Eileen - Argentina
Are you okay? Haven't seen a blog for 6 weeks. Your family reunion with your Dad looked fun at the canyon.
Love, Uncle Walt & Aunt Eileen - way down South
You're using one of my backgrounds - that's one entry in my contest for you, so go put your name in. :D
Please, can you PM me and tell me few more thinks about this, I am really fan of your blog...
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